09-09-16 Chin Acne Resolved 14038
Toffee presented with Feline Indolent Ulcer also known as “Rodent Ulcer” of the upper lips. The owner used prednisolone when lesions were so bad that pet was not eating, and had tried numerous supplements and diets for over 4 years without any success. After a series of NAET treatments “Toffee” has had normal lips for three years. She is on no medication, and no medication was used to resolve the condition.
“Taz” was previously treated with Cyclosporine and Doxycycline for his paw condition known as Plasma Cell Pododermatitis which had ulcerated. The condition has been known to respond to those medications, but they did not resolve the problem for Taz. We treated him with NAET for some important sensitivities like pesticides, gelatin and vitamin E. The wound closed and he has not had recurrence for 1 1/2 years.