
11-12-16 NAET Treatment testimonial - Barbara A


Royal Palm Veterinary is a rare find. Dr Friedbauer and Dr Weiss are knowledgeable, caring, loving and subscribe to a Medical and Holistic approach based on what is needed.

Aside from having 1000% confidence in their judgement re the care of my sweet Daisy (a dog), the entire staff is so wonderful. The experience begins when the phone is answered by Crystal and Skie and flows to Dr Friedbauer and Dr Harkavy as well as the entire staff.

I rescued my Daisy when she was 12 years old in 2015. The shelter Doctor told me she had contact Dermatitis. I wish that was what she had. Instead, after bloodwork and urine analysis we discovered she had a fungal and urinary tract infection. In addition, she had sensitivities to food, environmental and grooming products. One by one through NAET, we began to identify her allergies and began to clear them. If you are unfamiliar with NAET, please ask Dr Friedbauer to explain it to you and educate yourself at NAET.com.

It is a gentle way of ‘clearing’ the allergy instead of masking it with another chemical or drug.

As a result of the special care Daisy has received, we have been able to treat her with NAET, Chinese Herbs and occasional medication when necessary.

The Doctor at the clinic where we had her ultrasound done, began to counsel me on euthanasia and believed it was my only option. That was one year ago.

Dr Friedbauer treats Daisy with NAET and Chinese medicine and she is thriving, happy and beloved.

I encourage you to have faith, be patient and commit yourself to an alternative, inclusive way of treatment. In the long run, it will be more comprehensive and will allow you and your pet to live a happier, healthy life.
Dr Friedbauer and Dr Harkavy are extremely knowledgeable, understanding, compassionate and loving.

With their support and guidance, Daisy can live a full and beautiful life and we are able to have her for as long as she can live.

Myra Zutia

Regarding NAET and Dr. Friedbauer Testimonial:

We are the proud fur parents of 2 Yorkies, Alex the Great and Helen of Troy.  They have the most amazing personalities, and they keep us entertained.  Since we can remember they seemed to have allergies and were itchy.  Helen of Troy’s allergies would cause her to itch, and she would have red skin with hives. We tried the traditional methods of dealing with the allergies such as single protein and limited ingredient foods, various shampoos, and medication (prednisone, antihistamines, allergy serum etc.).  We had to stop prednisone because she developed pancreatitis.  The antihistamines did not work. We were happy to discover Apoquel but we knew it was not the solution.

Food Allergies:

In 2014, we met Dr. Friedbauer and her non-conventional methods to deal with our pets’ overall health and specifically allergies.  She introduced us to NAET.  I must admit that after all these years, I still cannot explain scientifically how exactly it works, only that it does.  Dr. Friedbauer started first by checking for food sensitivities with kinesiology, then she helped me to identify the ingredients that would be best for them based on those results. They were both sensitive to chicken which was their main source of protein.  With just a few treatments, Alex the Great was able to eat chicken.  Helen was very persistent, always needing additional sessions and reinforcement.  Dr. Friedbauer gave me NAET tubes to continue to do therapy at home. It is 2021, and I am happy to report that both Alex the Great and Helen of Troy can still eat chicken without any itching. 

Environmental Allergies & More:

NAET offers the opportunity to test for environmental allergies.  Many times, I would bring samples of grass and flowers from our yard as well as samples of fabric, detergent, our home drinking water, personal perfume, and cosmetics to determine if something in our home caused Helen of Troy to itch and have red skin. After the NAET treatment, Dr. Friedbauer would have me reinforce the acupressure at home. For example, we determined that Helen was allergic to damp. When it rained she was itchy. Treating her for dampness with NAET decreased her reaction to dampness. When I take our doggies to Dr. Friedbauer for other health issues, she always uses kinesiology to be sure any necessary medications do not cause sensitivity prior to dispensing. Sometimes, Dr. Friedbauer combines acupuncture with the NAET treatments for Helen and we notice a difference right away.

The Difference NAET Has Made:

Alex the Great responds to NAET with just one to two treatments. Helen of Troy requires a lot more.  In my opinion traditional western medications have side effects, and they are never to be used as a long-term solution.  I am not going to say that NAET has been the easiest form of treatment for Helen of Troy just because it takes so many treatments, but it is the most effective for her and her many sensitivities.  Both our fur children turned 13 last year and with healthy eating and NAET (and lots of prayers) they are as healthy as they can possibly be and medication free!   I whole heartily recommend NAET to any fur parent who is trying to find an effective treatment for allergies for their pet.

I found Dr. Friedbauer when my shar pei was three and just diagnosed with IBS: her options were limited and steroids were suggested but I was not eager to go this route in such a young dog. At the time I was doing NAET personally with another practitioner who suggested I look for a Vet that trained in NAET. That’s when we found Dr. Friedbauer and Lotus’ world would change for the better in her care. Gradually Lotus improved and over all she became a happier dog and looked wonderful. Lotus coat began to shine, she had more energy and gained much needed weight. We have incorporated many holistic modalities in her life but NAET was the start of a healthier dog and Dr. Friedbbauer was always up for the challenge and still gives her the very best care. Dr Friedbauer was determined to help her and most certainly has and continues to provided kind compassionate care. She is now 11 years old and I don’t believe she would be alive today had we not found NAET and Dr Friedbauer. We are internally grateful for her open mindedness to step outside the traditional means of therapy and search for a modality that is safe and effective. The excitement Lotus gives Dr Friedbauer on her visits is just all the proof needed to see what a wonderful, open minded, caring vet Dr Friedbauer is.

Louise & Lotus H, Florida


Dear Dr. Friedbauer:


I appreciate all your efforts and time spent diagnosing and treating Dutchess, our German Shepherd Dog for her allergies.


Since last August, Dutchess was experiencing an allergic reaction which caused skin sores and irritations all over her body.  Standard treatment was followed, by prescribing high doses of Benadryl, Apoquel, antibiotics, medicated shampoo, and allergy blood testing.


After several months of treatment, Dutchess’ allergies continued.  She was on antibiotics for months, plus all the above treatments, none of which remedied her allergic condition.


As a last resort, I met with you and you embarked on NAET treatment for Dutchess.  After testing for various allergies to food, grass, material and medications you were able to diagnose what she was allergic too, and effectively treated her for this.  Since her NAET treatment for her allergy, she has been symptom free. 


I wish I opted for the NAET treatments earlier in the process.  It would have saved Dutchess months of discomfort caused by her allergies.  Immediately after the treatment Dutchess’ allergies subsided.


Very truly yours,


Charlotte I. Kaplan



I took my Westie Rumi, then 10 years old, to Dr. Sonja Friedbauer to treat him for his stomach issues.

He has had stomach problems his whole life. He had an upset stomach constantly that would last almost the whole day. In addition, he had episodes of vomiting and diarrhea, stool with blood. I tried everything and did not know what else to do.

A friend recommended Dr. Friedbauer and I took him in August of 2019 for a NAET evaluation. Rumi was tested for food sensitivities and was given his first treatment and continued for almost a year. His stomach problems are now less frequent. He still has an upset stomach occasionally, but it lasts on average 1 hour, not several hours like before. Also, I have not seen any blood on his stool for a long time. I believe that NAET has contributed to Rumi’s recovery. I wish I knew about NAET when Rumi was younger.

Paola Valencia


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